Tutorials: The Etherington Brothers Blog

As an animator, I am constantly looking for ways to improve my skillset and understanding of the craft as well as searching for inspiration to keep me going. This is, afterall, a profession that requires an absurd amount of dedication and creative mojo. Right?

I’m not completely sure how I stumbled upon them but I really wanted to share it here; The Etherington Brothers Blog.

The site has a TON of awesome drawings, sketches and flat out amazing artwork. My favorite posts of theirs have to be the “How to THINK when you DRAW” series of illustrations they post. Simply put, it’s a goldmine of information! I’ve posted a few of the tutorial images below but go check out there blog to look at all of them. Seriously, do it!

Also, while you’re at it, follow them on Twitter! @EtheringtonBrothers